Social Responsibility

Our Social & Ethical policy forms the cornerstone of the way we do business. We have established core corporate values associated with health & safety, ethical & moral conduct, honesty & personal integrity, and effective team work. We are firmly committed with dedication of these values throughout our supply chain and our business activities:

   - Condemn child labor, forced labor and discrimination.
   - Improve employment conditions and compensate our employees.
   - Provide a safe and healthy working environment for our employees.
   - Respect freedom of association and right to collective bargaining.
   - Make efforts to provide support and cooperation to Environmental preservation activities for the workers and community.
   - Take steps for welfare and intellectual growth of our employees.
   - Improve our Social performance and of our business allies.
   - Build in the minds of our employees the sense of responsibility and to perform their duties with devotion. Comply with all applicable national, international and customer defined legal and regulatory requirements.
   - Continual improvement in our social management systems.